ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』
Xreveal 2.6.9
Version 2.6.9
Released Aug 13, 2024
Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes
- Fixed failed to insert into my discs if the disc label contains single quote
- Fixed failed to create ISO file if the disc label contains the following characters: \/:*?”<>|
- Fixed drives not showing in rip dialog box over an RDP connection
- Fixed the comment characters in My Discs are not displayed correctly in some cases
- Fixed read BDAV disc keys from My Discs
- Fixed failed to install the ARM64 driver
- Fixed emulating wrong RPC-2 drive region
- Added import keydb.db
- Added sounds settings
- Added play sound after opening disc
- Added play sound after ripping disc
- Added hotkey of rip to ISO file
- Added hotkey of rip to folder
- Added actions when done: Do nothing, Quit Xreveal, Shut down, Hibernate, Lock system, Eject disc, Play sound
- Added prevent the system from sleeping while ripping
- Added -rip2iso command line
- Added -rip2folder command line
- Added drag and drop ISO file, folder or drive to ‘Content Hash Verifier’ window to verify content hash
- Added read errors info in rip window
- Added content hash verifier while ripping to protected ISO files or folders
- Removed option of remove BD+
- Improved move ‘Create Logfile’ from context menu to Status window
- Improved add datetime in logfile file name
- Changed logfile extension from .ziplog to .jar
- Changed need libdvdcss-2.dll to open DVDs