Media Player Classic(メディアプレーヤークラシック、略称: MPC)は、Microsoft Windowsで動作するオープンソースのメディアプレーヤー(動画・音声再生)ソフト。オリジナル版の開発者はGabest。オリジナル版は2010年2月を最後に更新が停止しており、2021年現在も更新が続けられている主な派生版としてMedia Player Classic – Home Cinema(MPC-HC)のclsid版とMedia Player Classic Black Edition (MPC-BE) がある。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』
Media Player Classic Black Edition 1.7.3
Version 1.7.3
Released Aug –, 2024
Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes
Improved DTS-HD track detection.
Improved support for Dolby Vision Profile 7.
The VVdeC decoder is now used for VVC video on processors without SSE4.1 support.
Fixed P010 to YV12 conversion.
Optimized P010 to NV12 conversion for processors without SSE4.
Optimized work with NVDEC.
Fixed output format detection for FFV1 video.
The “Forced Only” setting now works with the entire PGS subtitle track marked as Forced.
Improved support for moving the file properties window between displays with different text scaling.
Fixed remembering the position of some DVD-Videos.
Subtitles added manually are now saved in the playlist.
Do not hide the player until the DirectShow graph is closed.
Fixed freezing with some URLs when using external filters.
Compiling the installer requires InnoSetup 6.1.0 or later.
Updated MPC Video Renderer 0.8.5.
Updated Romanian translation (by Andrei Miloiu).
Updated Korean translation (by Hackjjang).
Updated Japanese translation (by tsubasanouta).
Updated libraries:
dav1d 1.4.2-15-g2355eeb;
ffmpeg n7.1-dev-2058-g677f28b310;
Little-CMS git-lcms2.16-60-g1c9021b;
MediaInfo git-v24.06-10-g88f3ea4aa;
ResizableLib v1.5.3-8-g25a89da;
vvdec v2.3.0-24-gad8f4bb.