Topaz Photo AIは写真のノイズ除去・シャープネスの向上・解像度アップを人工知能が自動的に行う画像処理ソフトです。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』
Topaz Photo AI 3.0.1
Version 3.0.1
Released Apr 11, 2024
- Refreshed user interface with Topaz UI style
- Implemented drag and reorder enhancements
- Implemented basic preset functionality
- Implemented docking and undocking feature
- Enabled Text Recovery to be added multiple times
- Enabled Face Recovery to be added multiple times
- Enabled Adjust lighting for RAW images
- Enabled Balance color for RAW images
- Fixed Adjust lighting crash on M3 with macOS 14.4 and above
- Fixed switching models on Denoise not updating the preview
- Fixed export output suffix not matching enhancements order
- Added preference for RAW Adjust lighting strength
- Added camera profile for Panasonic G9M2
- Added noise profile for Sony ILCE-6700