Firefox 117.0 リリース

Mozilla Firefoxは、Mozilla Foundationおよびその傘下のMozilla Corporationによって開発されているフリーかつオープンソースのウェブブラウザである。単にFirefoxと呼称されるほか、fireおよびfoxの和訳から火狐とも呼称される。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』

Firefox 117.0

Version 117.0
Released Aug 29, 2023

Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes


  • Support for credit card autofill has been extended to users running Firefox in the IT, ES, AT, BE, and PL locales.
  • macOS users can now control the tabability of controls and links via about:preferences.
    Screenshot of new macOS tabability option in about:preferences
  • To avoid undesirable outcomes on sites which specify their own behavior when pressing shift+right-click, Firefox now has a dom.event.contextmenu.shift_suppresses_event preference to prevent the context menu from appearing.


  • YouTube video lists now scroll correctly when navigating with a screen reader.
  • Various security fixes.


  • Firefox no longer shows its own screen sharing indicator on Wayland desktop environments. The system default sharing indicator will be used instead.



  • Developer Information
  • Web compatibility inspection has been enhanced with our new CSS compatibility tooltip in the Developer Tools Inspector. An icon is now displayed next to properties that could lead to web compatibility issues. When hovered, the tooltip indicates which browsers are not supported and displays a link to the MDN page for the property so the user can learn more about it.
    Screenshot showing CSS compatibility icon for a property shown in the Inspector
  • console.clear() no longer clears the Console output if the “Enable persistent logs” option is enabled.

Web Platform

  • Support for improved CSS nesting is now enabled by default.
  • Firefox now supports RTCRtpScriptTransform.
  • ReadableStream.from is now supported, allowing creation of a ReadableStream from an (async) iterable.
  • Firefox now supports the math-style and math-depth CSS properties and the font-size: math value.

Community Contributions
