TreeSize Professional は強力で柔軟なハード ディスク空き容量のマネージャーを Windows 95/98/nt 検索フォルダーはドライブに最大アウト メガバイトを回復します。Treesize Professional は、サイズ、割り当て、無駄なスペース、ファイル、3 D の横棒グラフおよび円グラフの数、最終アクセス日および多くの詳細のいくつかのフォルダーまたはドライブを選択するを示しています。また、古いファイル、大きな一時ファイル、ハード ディスクを検索します。アプリケーションは、直感的なエクスプ ローラーに似たユーザー インターフェイスと高速であり、マルチ スレッド。詳細なレポートを印刷または Excel またはテキスト ファイルに収集されたデータをエクスポートできます。TreeSize Pro は、すべてのフォルダーまたはドライブのコンテキスト メニューから起動できます。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』
TreeSize Professional
Released July 27, 2023
Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes
- The export from TreeSize is now much faster if it contains the individual files as well as the folders.
TreeSize now also supports the upload of large files (>250MB) to SharePoint.
An unhandled error when scanning Outlook mailboxes has been fixed.
When scanning file systems with symbolic links and mount points, it could happen that a link was incorrectly not followed. This error has been fixed. Unfortunately, this can cause an endless loop again under certain circumstances when scanning user profiles in the file system. If this happens to you, you can exclude the affected paths from the scan using an exclusion filter in the options.
A possible unhandled error when scrolling within lists in dark view has been fixed.
TreeSize now supports folders in SharePoint libraries that have a ‘+’ in their name.
The File search results now returns correct values for the ‘Path’ and ‘Folder Path’ columns when searching ‘This PC’.
An error could occur when exporting a scan to an index file (.sqlite) with the option to group scans enabled. This error has been fixed.
Security update: Freely configurable content for HTML export is now masked to prevent the introduction of third-party data (cross-site scripting).
When exporting the Details list with many elements, the application could freeze temporarily. This problem has been fixed.
Under certain circumstances, the installation could hang after accepting the license terms. This error has been fixed.
TreeSize can now create new folders with any special characters in the name in SharePoint libraries.
Other minor fixes and improvements have been made.