EZ CD Audio Converter リリース

EZ CDオーディオコンバータは、CDリ​​ッパー、オーディオコンバータ、メタデータエディタ、ディスクバーナーです。オーディオCDをリッピングしたり、ディスクのコピーを作成したり、mp3を変換したり、すべてのオーディオファイルを変換したり、オーディオCD、MP3 CD、データディスクを書き込むことができます。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』

EZ CD Audio Converter

Released May — , 2023

Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes

  • Updated Metadata Panel
    • Standard/Extended – Standard as default (Change in ‘View’->’Metadata Panel’->’Standard’ / ‘Extended’)
    • Standard: the standard set of metadata tags
    • Extended: the full set of metadata tags
    • Changed ‘Comment’ field to 4 full rows in Extended mode and 7 full rows in Standard mode
  • Audio CD Ripper UPC/EAN (barcode) can be manually edited in the main user interface
  • ID3v2.3 metadata: Always write Year / Date / Text to TYER frame for compatibility reasons (v11.0.0/1 used TYER+TDAT frames, older versions < v11.0 use TYER frame) (support reading of TYER+TDAT frames and TYER frame in any format)
  • Language updates

It was requested to (re)add cut/copy/paste/clear album art buttons to the album art popup. It was considered and tested. But we came to the conclusion that it is better that these functions are behind the right-click popup menu.

The editing mode of the track and file lists are optimized for easier selection of items in v11. If you wish to have the classic behaviour with one-click edit you can turn on the Quick Edit mode in Settings / General / User interface.

The UPPERCASE/lower case/Sentence case/Title Case functions work differently in v11. You must select the tracks / files and right-click on the column you want to modify. The case-functions are also included in metadata panel fields.

