Topaz Photo AIは写真のノイズ除去・シャープネスの向上・解像度アップを人工知能が自動的に行う画像処理ソフトです。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』
Topaz Photo AI 1.3.1
Version 1.3.1
Released Apr 20, 2023
Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes
Changes since 1.3.0:
- Improved Standard Enhance model
– Fixed blurriness that can occasionally happen in bright highlighted regions
– More robust to strong JPEG compression
– More natural faces - Added preference for enabling legacy Sharpen models
– Can be found under General tab in Preferences - Improved thumbnail hover tooltip
- Changed logic for showing close image warning
- Changed “Technical Support” Help menu item to “Support”, changed to link to our new Docs platform 13
- Standardized done button when refining mask, selecting faces, or cropping
- Added error message when dragging and dropping unsupported files
- Fixed some large images not generating thumbnails
- Fixed trackpad scrolling behavior in the update dialog
- Fixed inconsistent capitalization of “RAW”
- Fixed BMP not being importable from open dialog on Windows
- Fixed blank space in export dialog caused by scrolling while exporting
Known issues:
- HDR or Monochrome DNGs which previously did not open may have issues when saving as a DNG
– To get around this you can save as JPEG, PNG, or TIFF which shouldn’t have the same color issues