Maxon Cinema 4D 2023.2.0 リリース

Cinema 4Dは、プロフェッショナルな3Dモデリング、アニメーション、シミュレーション、レンダリングのソフトウェアソリューションです。その高速でパワフル、柔軟で堅牢なツールは、デザイン、モーショングラフィックス、VFX、AR/MR/VR、ゲーム開発、そしてあらゆるタイプのビジュアライゼーションのプロにとって、3Dワークフローをよりスムーズで効率的なものにします。Cinema 4Dは、一人で作業しても、チームで作業しても、驚くべき結果をもたらします。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』

Maxon Cinema 4D 2023.2.0

Version 2023.2.0
Released Mar 29, 2023

Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes

New Features


  • Quick access to Cinema 4D commands, tools, objects, tags, presets and capsules

  • Filter results to specific item types

  • Favorite frequently-used items for easy access

  • Access and modify cogwheel command options

  • Pinnable (always on top) or Dockable within the User Interface

  • Prioritized results based on focused manager, document mode, relevance

  • Custom Smart Searches combining multiple search terms

  • Shortcuts and Capsule License are shown

  • List/Grid view, adjustable zoom with responsive display, view preferences remembered

  • Add items via Enter key or drag-and-drop

  • Drag and Drop from Commander to Palette easily adds items to C4D Layout

  • Shift-Drag multiple items from Commander to create a folded UI palette

Modeling: Thicken

  • Procedurally add thickness to any mesh

  • Control thickness based on vertex map or polygon selection

  • Advanced mode to resolve intersections and force perpendicular boundaries and preserve corners

  • Proxy selections to add separate materials Source, Cap, Boundary

Modeling: Additional Improvements

  • Symmetry Object: procedural linear and radial symmetry based on new symmetry modeling technology

    • Works with multiple children directly

    • Can create unwelded objects

    • Visualize symmetry planes

  • Normals defined via a normal tag are adapted when deformation is applied

Node Editor

  • Improved UI, readability, usability when working with Scene Nodes and Redshift Materials

  • Pop-out Asset Browser and Attributes panels within the Node Editor

  • Extended color coding for data types

  • Port shapes to denote streams, loops and arrays

  • Improved indication of loops, iterations and their scopes

  • Variadic (dynamic) ports can be added/removed via icon in node

  • Breadcrumb history and commands to easily navigate in and out of groups

  • Duplicate nodes with connections by ctrl-shift-dragging

  • Duplicate wires by ctrl-dragging (re-routers are now added with Ctrl-Shift-Click)

  • New nodes are created in place rather than centered

  • New commands: fold all ports, select upstream / downstream nodes / disconnect

  • Group type: swap group types easily and group nodes as Mesh or Spline Primitives, Modifiers, etc.

  • Point Position Arrays automatically convert to Geometry input

  • Geometry Op is automatically created when connecting a Geometry output to an Op input

  • Node Presets: nodes (including Capsules and Redshift nodes) support C4D Preset system

  • Heat Map:

    • Performance visualization on nodes to aid in optimization

    • Detailed output in console

  • Data Inspector:

    • Custom visualizations for Points, Polygons, Vertices, UVs

    • Follow mode to auto-switch inspector to selected node or port

    • Delete inspectors from Data Inspector list

    • Remove All Inspectors


  • Closest Points: return the closes points within a cloud to the query point via fast KDTree lookup

  • Float Formula: Basic formula support

  • Is Constant: tells if output port is constant or not

  • Static Assert: condition based (like formula node) used to validate constant inputs. Will show errors in RED on assertion, graph still executes.

  • Swap Erase: same as Erase Elements array node, but will not maintain array order for a faster execution.

  • Point Info Node: expanded for easy access to point properties including selection, color, weight

  • Polygon Info Node: expanded for easy access to polygon points, point positions, selections and more

  • Get Property Names: outputs an array of stored property sets on Geometry, including selections, vertex weights, vertex colors, normals and UVs

  • Convex Hull Node: generate a simplified convex hull around an array of points

  • String Nodes: Join, Split, Repeat, Reverse, Strip Whitespace, Random String From Source, Random String Generator

Simulation: Pyro

  • Viewport render uses color and scene lighting (spot/directional/point lights)

  • Destructor force limits Pyro inside or outside a box area

  • Maxon Noise support for emission

  • Vertex Color map support for emission

  • Local velocity for emitters

  • Pyro Output explicitly links to simulation scene

  • Improved VRAM usage

Simulation: Other

  • Vertex Map support for Balloon effect

  • Improved collision performance in high-polygon simulations

  • Viewport updates during caching

Other Enhancements

  • Python Interpreter updated from 3.9 to 3.10.8, including improved debugging and structural pattern matching (switch/case)

  • Code Exchanger allows developers to create Python plugins and scripts using Visual Studio Code, with support for auto-completion and interactive debugging

  • Color Space support in Project Asset Inspector

  • gltf Import of geometry, cameras

  • gltf Export improvements, with support for Redshift materials

  • ForgerIO exchange supports Redshift materials, cameras and lights

  • Magic Bullet Looks now uses standard installation

Other Notes

  • All C++ and Python plugins should continue to work without any adaptation required by third-party developers.

  • Native support for SpaceMouse devices has been removed to allow 3dconnexion to directly support the use of their devices within Cinema 4D.

  • Field Forces using Pyro as a velocity field in 2023.2 will behave differently than earlier releases. Use Alembic or VDB Caches in an earlier release to preserve prior results.

  • Rotation forces used with Cloth / Rope / Soft Body Simulation in 2023.2 will behave differently than earlier releases. Use Alembic Caches in an earlier release to preserve prior results.

Cinema 4D Lite (since 2023.0)

  • From 2023.0

    • Asset Browser Enhancements

    • OpenColorIO Color Management

  • From 2023.2

    • Commander

    • gltf Import

Cinema 4D 2023.2


  • Animation
    • Fixed a performance issue with Alembic objects where using the Display tag’s Ghosting function caused an out-of-memory error
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Pose Library Browser when deleting Pose parameters
  • Asset Browser
    • Fixed a stability issue when saving a Viewport Filter Preset
  • C++ API
    • Fixed an issue with opening menus on macOS
  • Character Animation
    • Fixed a stability issue when loading a Cmotion preset
  • Cineware
    • Fixed an issue with Cineware where the Redshift Camera would not work with the Compositing Project file
    • Fixed an issue with Cineware where the command Create Category had no effect in the After Effects Asset Browser
    • Fixed an issue with the After Effects Asset Browser where a Maxon account with a Maxon One license did not provide the correct database in After Effects
    • Fixed a stability issue on OSX when double-clicking the Cineware executable
  • Color Management
    • Fixed an issue with the Picture Viewer where the current View Transform could not be baked when saving the output as a video file
    • Fixed an issue with Color Management in the Viewport where Render space and Display space were not handled properly in OCIO mode
  • Exchange
    • Fixed some issues with the Vector Import generator where the position and/or height of the import object did not behave as expected
    • Fixed an issue with the Import function where the 3D Formats filter did not recognize some 3D file formats
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic export where the geometry of extruded splines with deformers was corrupted during re-import
    • Fixed an issue with the Bake as Alembic + Delete function not preserving the Viewport Visibility attribute of hidden objects
    • Fixed some issues with the Alembic export and import of files containing textures and animated UVs
    • Fixed an issue with the Save as Alembic command not preserving the existing layer assignment of the baked objects.
    • Fixed an issue with the Alembic Morph tag where the frame range of an animation was not read correctly from the Alembic file
    • Fixed an issue with Connect objects with a Cloth tag where export as Alembic corrupted the hierarchy
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic export where the option Points Only (Geometry) was not working in combination with Merge Generated
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic export where Vertex Maps were not visible on the re-imported Alembic objects
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic files where no frame interpolation was performed for imported particles
    • Fixed some issues with Alembic export and Vertex Maps when using a Subdivision Surface generator
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic polygon objects missing an X-Ray option
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic import where the geometry was missing from some animation frames
    • Fixed an issue with the Bake as Alembic + Delete command creating undeletable Alembic tags
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic export where animated Vector Maps were not preserved when using the Bake as Alembic command
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic export where the Camera did not support motion blur
    • Fixed some issues with the Vector Import object where the automatically created materials were not listed in the Material Manager
    • Fixed an issue with USD export under macOS where exporting a file as USD (zipped) was not possible after a previous unzipped export
    • Fixed an issue with USDZ import where included textures could not be read properly
    • Fixed an issue with the USD Import interface where a degree sign was missing after the Phong Angle value
    • Fixed an issue with USD import where the Import setting “Lights: None” caused an “Illegal State” error
    • Fixed a stability issue when exporting to Forger (.fpk) while a Redshift Camera was active
    • Fixed an issue with FBX export adding polygon selection tags to the exported objects
    • Fixed an issue with FBX export, not including the Focal Length of the Camera
    • Fixed an issue with missing textures when merging FBX files
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic export, not including the Camera parameter Focus Distance
    • Fixed a stability issue with Python and the Vector Import object
    • Fixed an issue with GTLF Export where empty scenes could not be exported
    • Fixed a stability issue when exporting a project as GLTF
    • Fixed a stability issue with mograph.xlib
    • Fixed an issue with ZBrush where the displacement map would not be rendered correctly
    • Fixed an issue with ZBrush where the camera would not frame the render viewport but the active viewport
  • Interface
    • Fixed an issue with the right-to-left layout for Arabic, where no Primitive objects could be generated from an undocked window
    • Fixed an issue with the Redshift Object tag residing in the Extensions instead of the Render Tags menu
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect alignment of Capsules in palettes when added via Drag & Drop from the Asset Browser
    • Fixed an issue with inconsistent labeling of negative axis orientations
  • Lite Version
    • Fixed an issue with license management where the GLTF importer was not available in the Lite version
    • Fixed an issue with license management where the Thicken generator was available in the Lite version
  • Material
    • Fixed an issue with Substances where error messages indicating missing Substance files appeared in separate windows instead of the Task Manager
  • Modeling
    • Fixed a stability issue when manipulating the axis pivot of a Spline inside a Sweep Generator
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Bridge tool when bridging edges of different objects
    • Fixed an issue with the Correction deformer not storing selections
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps influenced by Fields where changes to the Fields were not reflected in the Viewport
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps where adding a Vertex Map to a non-polygonal object changed the current tool to the Paint tool
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps where a procedural selection from an Extrude generator did not influence the Vertex Map
    • Fixed an issue with the Vertex Color tag and a Shader Field when used on disconnected polygons
    • Fixed an issue with the Close Polygon Hole tool where some existing polygons outside the hole were selected in Symmetry mode
    • Fixed an issue with the Edge Cut tool where the number of subdivisions was limited to 100
    • Fixed an issue with the Symmetrize command not allowing negative Source Slice values
    • Fixed an issue with the function Symmetrize Selection not working on an object which was selected together with its parent
    • Fixed an issue with the Symmetry Hub controlling the symmetry settings for other currently loaded scenes
    • Fixed some issues with Symmetry mode where highlighted selections were not visible behind the transparent Symmetry Planes in the Viewport
    • Fixed an issue with the Stitch and Sew tool not working correctly near the Symmetry plane
    • Fixed an issue with the Symmetry Hub interface where the symmetry axes in Radial mode were not named properly
    • Fixed an issue with the SDS Weight tag in Symmetry mode where the weighting of an object under a Subdivision Surface generator was not applied symmetrically
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Bridge tool when more than one object was selected
      Fixed an issue with the Extrude generator where the Caps option to Avoid Self Intersections caused the Phong rounding to break
    • Fixed a stability issue when using the Weld tool
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Bridge tool when bridging edge loops
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Close Polygon Hole command in Symmetry mode
  • MoGraph
    • Fixed an issue with a wrong sorting sequence of texture images used in the Multi Shader under macOS
    • Fixed an issue with Voronoi Fracture creating artifacts in the geometry
    • Fixed an issue with missing support for multiple vertex maps as input to a Map field layer
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Extrude generator when extruding a very large spline
    • Fixed a stability issue with the MoGraph Cloner when changing the Instance Mode
  • Nodes
    • Fixed a stability issue with selection Capsules when used on geometry within a Cloner
    • Fixed an issue with the Color Op Node not working properly with the Node Editor command Group Nodes As
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Dual Mesh Modifier capsule when assigned to a geometry object
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Delete Node operator when assigned to a geometry object in a Cloner
    • Fixed an issue with the Data Inspector not refreshing for decreasing output values from the Index Iterator
    • Fixed an issue with the Geometry Modifier capsule ignoring changes of the input Matrix
    • Fixed an issue with Material Nodes where a wrong initialization sequence of node systems caused the Cells material generator to fail
    • Fixed an issue with the Geometry Collision Node where the Collided output only worked if the Distance output was connected
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor workflow where an option was missing to duplicate Nodes with their input/output connections
    • Fixed an issue with the Build Selection Node missing an input port for Outer Scope
    • Fixed an issue with Scene Nodes where a Polygon object converted from a Primitive was imported as a Classic Object Node instead of a Geometry Object Node
    • Fixed an issue with the 7-Segment Display asset capsule not being displayed in the Viewport
    • Fixed a stability issue when trying to bake particles that where assigned to a Vertex Color tag
    • Fixed an issue with the Solidify Asset Capsule where the geometry appeared black in the viewport
    • Fixed an issue with the Spiral Distribution Node not showing any presets
    • Fixed an issue with the Greeble Node not respecting selection strings
    • Fixed an issue with the Geometry Neighbor node locating non-neighboring edges
    • Fixed a performance issue with the Float Formula Node on macOS
  • Node Editor
    • Removed a non-functioning option to disable the highlighting of errors in the Node Editor
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where selecting multiple output Nodes using Shift+Click also selected the input Nodes
    • Fixed an issue with Wire Rerouters where comments created in the Attribute Manager were not displayed in the Node Editor
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where newly inserted Converter Nodes were not placed between their corresponding nodes
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where new Group Nodes were not placed at the center of the grouped individual Nodes
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where the right-click context menu of connecting wires was missing the Type to search command
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where a Node port’s context menu command Go to Connected Node changed the zoom factor
    • Fixed an issue with Rerouters where an output port’s context menu command Port Inspector had no function
    • Fixed an issue with Node ports where the Attribute Manager’s context menu command Show in Node Editor… had no function
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where Ctrl/Cmd+Click on a Node port’s dot icon in the Attribute Manager opened another Node Editor window if the Node Editor was locked
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Value input of the Point On Outline Node
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor’s Info area where long text strings remained truncated even after resizing the Info panel
    • Fixed an issue with the Scene Manager where the context menu command Reveal in Node Editor had no function
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where the positioning of the Nodes in the editor window was not preserved when saving/re-opening a project
    • Fixed an issue with long Node comments getting truncated after editing in the Node Editor
    • Fixed an issue with non-Redshift Material Nodes missing a Node search field in the pop-up menu for selecting the associated input port
    • Fixed an issue with Material nodes where the Show Connected Ports option was not working properly for folded input ports
    • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where the ALT+G shortcut for grouping nodes was not working
  • Objects
    • Fixed an issue with a changing outline color of the Redshift Camera object
    • Fixed an issue with the Target tag not working when navigating the Camera
    • Fixed an issue with Alembic objects changing their coordinate position in conjunction with Camera objects
    • Fixed an issue with Bullet Dynamics and child objects of Voronoi Fracture objects
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Map tags on procedural splines getting deleted when making the spline editable
    • Fixed an issue with the Extrude generator where the extrude direction Auto did not identify the Normals properly
  • Other
    • Fixed an issue with the Pyro cache not specifying the last frame of a volume sequence when loading it into a Volume Loader
  • Picture Viewer
    • Fixed an issue with the Viewport where Drag&Drop of video files containing audio triggered an Unknown file format error
  • Preferences
    • Fixed a spelling error in the Preferences for Go ZBrush
    • Fixed an issue with garbled content of the Preferences window when it was closed while a search was active, then re-opened
  • Project Asset Inspector
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Project Asset Inspector when undoing the Clear Assets command
    • Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector not indicating a missing asset when the corresponding database was disabled
    • Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector where disabling objects in the Object Manager caused the displayed hierarchy to fold
    • Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector where the name search in the filter bar delivered no results
    • Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector assigning incorrect file types
    • Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector where the relative path was displayed as an absolute path
  • Projection Man
    • Fixed a stability issue with Projection Man where image reimport caused a crash
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Clear Channels command of Projection Man
  • Redshift
    • Fixed an issue with the Redshift Camera where the Offset for the Focus Distance was not displayed properly in the Viewport
    • Fixed an issue with the Redshift Cylindrical Camera where the Height slider covered an impractically large value range
    • Fixed an issue with the Redshift Cylindrical Camera where the visibility settings for the camera frustum had no effect
    • Fixed an issue with the Redshift Camera conversion where the Shift parameter prevented the correct display of the Perspective view in the Viewport
    • Fixed an issue with the Redshift Camera where parameter values could not be set properly via Python
    • Fixed an issue with Redshift’s Interactive Preview Rendering where any Node manipulation in the Node Editor triggered a shader preparation in the Viewport
    • Fixed an issue with the Volume shader where a Vector volume could not be used in the Color channel of a Redshift Volume material
    • Fixed an issue with Redshift materials where the Attribute Manager window jumped to the top whenever a Gradient Control Node was manipulated
    • Fixed an issue with Redshift Interactive Preview Rendering where the progressive preview did not complete more than 2% for cached Soft Body simulations
    • Fixed an issue with the Camera object changing its position when converted to Redshift
    • Fixed an issue with the Redshift Camera where the Camera model itself was visible in the Perspective view of the Viewport at very short focal lengths
  • Renderer
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps where the render result of a material controlled by a Vertex Map differed from the Viewport display
  • Scene Layout Tools
    • Fixed a stability issue when caching a Pyro Simulation, including a standard Emitter
  • Sculpting
    • Fixed an issue with an error message that appeared when running the Goz Install command
  • Simulation
    • Fixed a performance issue with the Viewport and Redshift when converting an object selection to XRef
    • Fixed an issue with Rope simulation where the Connector tag’s setting Same Object did not exclude points belonging to the same object from collision detection
    • Fixed some issues with the Cloth tag where the associated geometry object disappeared when playing the animation in the Viewport
    • Fixed an issue with the Cloth and Rope tags not respecting thickness values
    • Fixed an issue with the Cloth tag where the parameter Start for offsetting the simulation cache had no function
    • Fixed an issue with the Cloth tag where the button Update Frame to re-calculate the cache for single frames was not working
    • Fixed a performance issue with Cloth simulation when switching between CPU and GPU simulation
    • Fixed an issue with Cloth simulation where the setting for Velocity Clamp affected not only the Cloth component but also the non-simulation object to which it was attached
    • Fixed an issue with the Cloth tag where its mesh object would not revert to its initial state
    • Fixed an issue with the Cloth tag where activating the Draw option for the Soft Body poles caused the cursor-mode navigation to malfunction
    • Fixed an issue with the Variable tag field turning invalid after an associated Cloth was cached
    • Fixed an issue with the Cloth tag enforcing Deformed Editing for its associated object
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro and backwards file compatibility between 2023.1 and 2023.0
    • Fixed an issue with Balloon simulation where increasing overpressure caused an unbalanced expansion of the mesh
    • Fixed an issue with Cloth simulation where particles were not drawn as dots in the Viewport
    • Fixed a stability issue when assigning a Cloth tag to a Null object
    • Fixed an issue with Cloth simulation where the animation preview stopped when switching between Viewport panels
    • Fixed an issue with Rope simulation where Splines in a Cloner object to which the Rope tag was assigned did not behave as expected
    • Fixed an issue with the Rope simulation where the On/Off switch in the Include mode for Forces had no function
    • Fixed an issue with Rope simulation where a Vertex Map did not influence all cloned splines under a Connect object
    • Fixed an issue with Rope simulation where the option Simulate Before Generators was not observed after caching the simulation
    • Fixed an issue with Rope simulation where keyframes on the Tag Properties had no effect on the render results in the Picture Viewer
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps not working with procedural (Primitive) Spline objects with a Rope Simulation tag
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps where secondary Vertex Maps on Primitive objects were not updated
    • Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps where a parametric Vertex Map used in the Mix Animation tab of the Cloth simulation tag stopped working if the Map’s name was changed
    • Fixed an issue with a procedural Vertex Map used as a Field where the associated matrix was not updated in the Viewport
    • Fixed an issue with the Point Object Field not influencing a Vertex Map
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where random explosive areas occurred in a simulation controlled by a Vertex Map
    • Fixed some issues with Pyro where undoing the deletion of a geometry object with a Pyro tag restored only that object, but not the Pyro object
    • Fixed a stability issue with Pyro when switching to a custom layout
    • Fixed an issue with the behavior of the Pyro object when adding and removing Pyro tags to/from the Simulation Scene object
    • Fixed an issue with the behavior of the Pyro object when applying Spline Vertex Maps with custom names to Pyro channels
    • Fixed an issue with animating the Field Force object when Pyro was added to the Field Force object’s field list
    • Fixed an issue with Viewport refresh when the Pyro object was interacting with Fields
    • Fixed an issue with the Pyro object where converting it to a Polygon Null also created a new Pyro object
    • Fixed an issue with the Pyro object not working properly with Vertex Maps
    • Fixed an issue with the Pyro Object where the Object Manager did not refresh automatically to remove superfluous objects
    • Fixed an issue with the Turbulence Scale parameter of the Wind force object in conjunction with Pyro
    • Fixed an issue with the behavior of Pyro in connection with Signed Distance Field volumes and Fields
    • Fixed an issue with the Pyro object where the Cache Option was still enabled even after deleting the cache
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where the fluid simulation did not start running for objects with Motion Retargeting
    • Fixed an issue with Volumes and Pyro-tagged objects not working properly as Points of Interest for camera navigation
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where the simulation output was visible only in Perspective View
    • Fixed a stability issue when closing Cinema 4D after making a Pyro object editable
    • Fixed an issue with the Pyro Fuel tag where the Fuel amount was dependent on the Voxel Size
    • Fixed an issue with inconsistent parameter naming in the Pyro tag
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro not emitting when Object Voxel Size was larger than Surface Thickness
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where allocated Volume blocks were drawn in the Viewport unnecessarily
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where undoing a change of direction of a Gravity force had no effect
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where changing the Substeps parameter changed the simulation effect completely
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where the Temperature Threshold parameter had no influence on the simulation
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where the Fuel Threshold parameter had no effect on dissipation
    • Fixed a stability issue with Pyro where increasing the Field Force Field Samples caused the Viewport to freeze
    • Fixed a stability issue with Pyro when switching to an orthogonal perspective during Viewport playback
    • Fixed an issue with the Pyro object turning into a Null object when made editable
    • Fixed an issue with Pyro where the Pyro object could be associated with only one single Pyro tag
    • Fixed a performance issue with Pyro when animating a scene containing a Pyro Emitter tag
  • UV Tools
    • Fixed a stability issue with packed Automatic UV
    • Fixed a stability issue with the UV Edit Layout
    • Fixed a stability issue with UV editing in Edge mode
  • Viewport
    • Fixed a stability issue when working with UV Selections and Projections
    • Fixed an issue with the Viewport preview of animated Redshift Bump Maps
    • Fixed an issue with the Viewport and Redshift where channel colors had a hue offset
    • Fixed an issue with the Viewport and Redshift where Diffuse colors had an incorrect brightness range in OCIO color management
    • Fixed an issue with the Viewport Solo function where changing the subdivisions of a Subdivision Surface object in Solo mode made the object disappear
    • Fixed an issue with background images in the Viewport ignoring the Keep Aspect Ratio setting when changing the Size of the image
    • Fixed an issue with Redshift material nodes where the Bump Map effect was too strong
    • Fixed an issue with the Ramp shader where the color values in the viewport did not match those of the Redshift renderer
    • Fixed an issue on macOS where the memory usage increased when switching between Viewport views
    • Fixed an issue with Subdivision Surfaces where in Edge mode, all edges of the subdivision mesh appeared as if selected
    • Fixed an issue with the Display mode in the Viewport where in Points mode, no Isoparms could be displayed for polygon objects with a Subdivision Surface
    • Fixed an issue with artifacts on Splines in the Viewport when their number of intermediate points was set to 0
    • Fixed an issue with Color Management where the playback speed of video files was much slower at the OpenColorIO setting than at Basic
    • Fixed an issue with Symmetry mode where artifacts occurred in the Viewport when selecting polygons
    • Fixed an issue with Bezier splines where occasionally, the handles of a spline point could not be rotated freely
    • Fixed an issue with Viewport performance in connection with IES Light profile files in large asset folders
    • Fixed an issue with the Viewport where the “Geometry Only Playback” option stayed active after stopping playback
  • Volumes
    • Fixed a stability issue with the Volume Builder when changing the Volume Type to Signed Distance Field

