Mp3tag 3.19 リリース

Mp3tagは多くのマルチメディアファイルフォーマットに対応したタグ(メタデータ)編集ソフトウェア。ドイツ人の Florian Heidenreich によって開発されている。日本語を含むマルチ言語に対応しておりWindowsで動作する。現在、無料で提供・公開されているが、維持管理目的の寄付やウィッシュリストからの音楽CDの提供を歓迎している。ドネーションウェア。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』

Mp3tag 3.19

Version 3.19
Released Jan 27, 2023

Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes

[2023-01-27]  REL: VERSION 3.19 (for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7)
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[2023-01-24]  CHG: moved configuration setting to preserve file modification time when saving tags
                   from Tags to General.
[2023-01-24]  CHG: moved configuration setting to display grid lines at file view from General to
[2023-01-24]  CHG: retired the Tools main menu and moved entries for Options to File main menu and
                   auto-numbering wizard to Convert main menu.
[2023-01-23]  CHG: `BPM` field for MP4 now only displays the bpm value without extra formatting.
[2023-01-23]  FIX: mnemonic key entry for certain menu items not displaying as intended for some
                   translations. (#59601)
[2023-01-23]  FIX: action Format value for `_FILENAME` showed another error message on retry after
                   sharing violation even when retry condition was met. (#59641)
[2023-01-18]  FIX: navigating to next directory in history via Alt + left arrow key resulted in
                   runtime error if triggered from last entry in history.
[2022-12-01]  NEW: added option to increase disc counter (and reset track counter) at auto-numbering
                   wizard on field-value change.
[2022-12-01]  NEW: added option to reset disc counter at auto-numbering wizard on field-value
[2022-11-29]  FIX: editing Tag Panel fields with `_SEPARATOR` had not all other fields disabled.
[2022-10-27]  CHG: uninstaller has now a checkbox to explicitly enable removing of configuration
                   data instead of using a confirmation dialog. (#58889)
[2022-10-21]  FIX: cover type couldn't be changed via extended tag dialog (since v3.16b). (#58833)
[2022-10-10]  FIX: tracks frame wasn't resized correctly at Tag Sources confirmation dialog.
[2022-10-10]  FIX: previous start menu folder wasn't used when updating 64-bit version. (#58717)
[2022-10-07]  CHG: extended error message when writing too large cover art to FLAC. (#42923, #58598)
[2022-10-07]  CHG: information field `%_id3v2_unknown_frames%` now reports the ID3v2 frame
[2022-10-04]  FIX: runtime error at right click on cover window of non-audio image file with 64-bit
[2022-10-03]  FIX: MusicBrainz tag source issue with artist names containing vertical bar character.
              LNG: updated Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese-CN, Corsican, Czech, Slovak,
                   Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Turkish translation.

