TreeSize Professional リリース

TreeSize Professional は強力で柔軟なハード ディスク空き容量のマネージャーを Windows 95/98/nt 検索フォルダーはドライブに最大アウト メガバイトを回復します。Treesize Professional は、サイズ、割り当て、無駄なスペース、ファイル、3 D の横棒グラフおよび円グラフの数、最終アクセス日および多くの詳細のいくつかのフォルダーまたはドライブを選択するを示しています。また、古いファイル、大きな一時ファイル、ハード ディスクを検索します。アプリケーションは、直感的なエクスプ ローラーに似たユーザー インターフェイスと高速であり、マルチ スレッド。詳細なレポートを印刷または Excel またはテキスト ファイルに収集されたデータをエクスポートできます。TreeSize Pro は、すべてのフォルダーまたはドライブのコンテキスト メニューから起動できます。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』

TreeSize Professional

Released Jan 5, 2023

Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes

  • Main Module / General

    • You can now select scan targets other than the Windows file system (e.g. SharePoint, Amazon S3, SSH, etc.) for comparison under “Scan > Compare with Path”. The (size) differences are then displayed. This can be handy, for example, after migrating a directory system to check it for changes.
    • When updating a folder or scan that has been compared with another folder or scan, the comparison folder is now also updated.
    • You can now find TreeSize on top level in the new context menu of Windows 11.
    • The log file that can be activated in the file operations dialog has been completely revised. If CSV is selected as logging format, the information is now logged in well-structured in separate columns.
    • The new command line parameter /ShowAuthGui can now be used to force login dialogs to be displayed, even if TreeSize itself was started without a user interface.
    • When exporting the pie chart of file types, an empty chart could be exported under certain circumstances. This error has been fixed.

    Mass Renaming

    • The mass renaming dialog has been extended by a function to convert file and directory names to upper and lower case.
    • An option has been added to the mass renaming dialog to evaluate position values from the right. For example, it is now possible to delete the last X characters from a file name.
    • The mass renaming dialog now supports regular expressions when deleting specific text from file names.
    • The file name preview window in the mass renaming dialog has been extended by several functions that can be used to export the current overview to the clipboard or to a file.

    File Search

    • The current sort order of a result list is now saved and restored when the application is restarted. Under “View” there are additional options to customize the sorting, including an option to remove the currently set sorting again.
    • The selection for usernames in the new “Permissions” filter now includes user groups.
    • Refreshing the user interface after deduplication could cause freezing. This problem has been fixed.

