JRiver Media Center 30.0.40 リリース

「JRiver Media Center」は、オーディオ技術者も認める高音質なメディアプレーヤーです。
ファッション雑誌No.1 宝島社公式通販サイト『宝島チャンネル』

JRiver Media Center 30.0.40

Version 30.0.40
Released Dec 8, 2022

Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes

1. NEW: Add option to open Image Preview when double-clicking an image.
2. Fixed: Image Preview would show GetFile as title for every image when using a library server client.
3. Fixed: Current selection would sometimes not be visible when showing or closing Image Preview.
4. Changed: Disabled drag-n-drop for files on the Edge and Chromium WebView.
5. Changed: Ran all the translations through the tool to update to the latest strings from the source code.
6. Fixed: Remote Control page and other borders could be back unintentionally for a few builds.

