TreeSize Professional は強力で柔軟なハード ディスク空き容量のマネージャーを Windows 95/98/nt 検索フォルダーはドライブに最大アウト メガバイトを回復します。Treesize Professional は、サイズ、割り当て、無駄なスペース、ファイル、3 D の横棒グラフおよび円グラフの数、最終アクセス日および多くの詳細のいくつかのフォルダーまたはドライブを選択するを示しています。また、古いファイル、大きな一時ファイル、ハード ディスクを検索します。アプリケーションは、直感的なエクスプ ローラーに似たユーザー インターフェイスと高速であり、マルチ スレッド。詳細なレポートを印刷または Excel またはテキスト ファイルに収集されたデータをエクスポートできます。TreeSize Pro は、すべてのフォルダーまたはドライブのコンテキスト メニューから起動できます。
TreeSize Professional
Released Oct 25, 2022
Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes
TreeSize Main Application / General
- The feature to change the file owner, which was already included in the File Search, is now also available in the Details list of the TreeSize main application.
- Portable Installation: If you select a target via “Tools > Create Portable Installation” on which you have already installed TreeSize portable before, the user settings are no longer overwritten there. (Professional edition only)
- In the columns showing permissions, the users and groups are now displayed in alphabetical order.
- The scan overview directly below the ribbon bar is now also hidden in simple mode for a more focused display. This overview bar can still be shown and hidden via on the ribbon bar “View”.
- The Details list now indicates possible access errors when displaying folders, instead of simply showing such folders as empty.
- When copying or moving files with the options “Preserve directory structure, starting at level X” and “Apply timestamps for each item” enabled, the timestamps (last modified date) of the source folders are now also applied to newly created folders.
- By pressing the Shift-Tate during a delete operation, selected objects can be deleted permanently, just like in Windows Explorer.An error that occurred when scanning a disk mounted in a folder has been fixed.
- The command line option “/ShowCheckForUpdate False” now hides the update check buttons again as expected.
File Search
- A new f filter is now available to search for permissions in file systems. For example, all files or folders to which a user or group has read or write access to, can be listed. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- Two new search templates have been added to illustrate the new search in permissions feature.
- The performance of deduplication has been significantly improved.
- A new feature has been added to lock specific paths and files. Locked files cannot be marked for a delete operation. This can be used to prevent certain files from being accidentally deleted. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- Similar to the main application of TreeSize, the File Search now also supports three different program modes: “Expert”, “Normal” and “Simple”.
- The function for importing file paths has been improved and now works much faster if the checkbox to import only valid paths is checked.
- The progress bar in the lower right corner of the application now shows the progress of the file search, allowing the user to estimate how long a search will take. Statistics from past searches are used for this purpose.
- The component for creating search filters has been extended in the right-click menu by the possibility to invert / negate existing filters. This is a convenient way to change a filter for including certain elements into a filter for excluding them from the result set.
- A new column “Average file size” can now be displayed in the duplicate search. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- The length of the file name can now be used for a search. It can be selected in the search filter selection under “More search filters”. The filter only looks at the name and not the path of a file. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- When running a scheduled TreeSize task, exports or file operations were not executed in certain situations. This error has been fixed.
- When searching for duplicate files or unique files, an unhandled error could occur under certain circumstances. This problem has been fixed.
- An error that caused filters of the “Name of a parent folder” type not to return all the desired results has now been fixed.