Tor Browser 11.5 リリース

Tor Browser(トーアブラウザ)は、匿名化ネットワークTorを経由してインターネットへアクセスする為のオープンソースのウェブブラウザである。利用者に高度な匿名性を提供し、インターネット検閲の回避や、プライバシー保護などの目的で使われる。Tor Browserは、Torへアクセスする最も簡単な方法である。

Tor Browser 11.5

Version 11.5
Released July 14, 2022

Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes

* All Platforms
* Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1q

* Windows + OS X + Linux
* Update Firefox to 91.11.0esr
* Update Tor-Launcher to 0.2.37
* Update Translations
* Bug 11698: Incorporate Tor Browser Manual pages into Tor Browser [tor-browser]
* Bug 19850: Disable Plaintext HTTP Clearnet Connections [tor-browser]
* Bug 30589: Allowed fonts to render a bunch of missing scripts [tor-browser]
* Bug 40458: Implement about:rulesets https-everywhere replacement [tor-browser]
* Bug 40527: Remove https-everywhere from tor-browser alpha desktop [tor-browser-build]
* Bug 40562: Reorganize patchset [tor-browser]
* Bug 40598: Remove legacy settings read from TorSettings module [tor-browser]
* Bug 40645: Migrate Moat APIs to Moat.jsm module [tor-browser]
* Bug 40684: Misc UI bug fixes [tor-browser]
* Bug 40773: Update the about:torconnect frontend page to match additional UI flows [tor-browser]
* Bug 40774: Update about:preferences page to match new UI designs [tor-browser]
* Bug 40775: about:ion should not be labeled as a Tor Browser page [tor-browser]
* Bug 40793: moved Tor configuration options from to moz.configure [tor-browser]
* Bug 40825: Redirect HTTPS-Only error page when not connected [tor-browser]
* Bug 40912: Hide screenshots menu since we don’t support it [tor-browser]
* Bug 40916: Remove the preference [tor-browser]
* Bug 40923: Consume country code to improve error report [tor-browser]
* Bug 40966: Render emojis in bridgemoji with SVG files, and added emojii descriptions [tor-browser]
* Bug 41011: Make sure the Tor Connection status is shown only in about:preferences#connection [tor-browser]
* Bug 41023: Update manual URLs [tor-browser]
* Bug 41035: OnionAliasService should use threadsafe ISupports [tor-browser]
* Bug 41036: Add a preference to disable Onion Aliases [tor-browser]
* Bug 41037: Fixed the connection preferences on the onboarding [tor-browser]
* Bug 41039: Set ‘startHidden’ flag on tor process in tor-launcher [tor-browser]

* OS X
* Bug 40797: font-family: monospace renders incorrectly on macOS [tor-browser]
* Bug 41004: Bundled fonts are not picked up on macOS [tor-browser]

* Linux
* Bug 41015: Add –name parameter to correctly setup WM_CLASS when running as native Wayland client [tor-browser]
* Bug 41043: Hardcode the UI font on Linux [tor-browser]

* Android
* Update Fenix to 99.0.0b3

* Build System
* All Platforms
* Bug 40288: Bump mmdebstrap version to 0.8.6 [tor-browser-build]
* Bug 40426: Update Ubuntu base image to 22.04 [tor-browser-build]
* Bug 40516: Remove aguestuser from tb_builders and torbutton.gpg [tor-browser-build]
* Bug 40519: Add Alexis’ latest PGP key to https-everywhere key ring [tor-browser-build]
* Android
* Update Go to 1.18.3
* Bug 40433: Bump LLVM to 13.0.1 for android builds [tor-browser-build]
* Bug 40470: Fix zlib build issue for android [tor-browser-build]
* Bug 40485: Resolve Android reproducibility issues [tor-browser-build]
* Windows + OS X + Linux
* Bug 34451: Include Tor Browser Manual in packages during build [tor-browser-build]
* Bug 40525: Update the mozconfig for tor-browser-91.9-11.5-2 [tor-browser-build]
