「JRiver Media Center」は、オーディオ技術者も認める高音質なメディアプレーヤーです。
JRiver Media Center 29.0.65
Version 29.0.65
Released June 23, 2022
Noteworthy changes / Bug fixes
・Changed: Put the top border back in dialogs that are maximizable because removal was causing drawing artifacts in DSP Studio and possibly other areas.
・NEW: The option to use forward slashes is in the export playlist and export all playlists dialogs.
・Fixed: When a client plays a live TV channel using a server tuner, the “”PlaybackInfo” tag was not passed to the client and thus not applied on the client.
・Changed: A different attempt at smooth progress (local zones only) that’s hopefully smoother.
・Fixed: Seeking holding down next or previous wasn’t working since the smooth progress addition.
・NEW: Added a couple of stock Smartlists: “Television — Channels” and “Television — Guide”.
・NEW: Skins can specify “Gridlines” for the Analyzer.
・NEW: Add Spotlight functions GetPage and ClearCache to MCWS and make Spotlight work outside of MC. Please clear cache by temporarily switching skin.
・変更:最大化可能なダイアログでは、上部のボーダーを削除すると、DSP Studioや他の領域で描画のアーチファクトが発生していたため、元に戻しました。
・新機能:いくつかのスマートリストを追加しました。「テレビ — チャンネル」と「テレビ — ガイド」です。